Online store service, office work


     Place: Przemyśl
     Country Poland
     Type of work: permanent work

Conditions of employment
- Salary PLN 17.00 / hour gross + bonuses,
- contract of employment
- PLN 5 for each hour worked over the weekend

Please be advised that we will contact only selected candidates.


- Minimum vocational education,
- Team work skills,
- Commitment and a serious approach to work
- Resistance to stress
- No health contraindications
Job description

- IT industry
- Computer work
- Online store support



Pursuant to the Act of 29 October 1997 on the protection of personal data (Legal Gazette 2016,922, dated 28 June 2016) and in accordance with the Act of 29 October 1997. 13 General Rules of Procedure on Personal Data Protection of April 27, 2016. (Official Journal EU L 119, dated April 04, 2016) I report that the administrator of personal data contained in contact form is the owner.

Additional attachments

Attach your CV, cover letter, etc. Remember, you can add up to 6 files

Add files

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